Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense, Future Perfect Tense, and Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Simple Present Tense

auxiliary verb
main verb


There are three important exceptions:

  1. For positive sentences, we do not normally use the auxiliary.
  2. For the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), we add s to the main verb or es to the auxiliary.
  3. For the verb to be, we do not use an auxiliary, even for questions and negatives.
Look at these examples with the main verb like:

auxiliary verb

main verb

I, you, we, they

He, she, it

I, you, we, they
He, she, it
I, you, we, they

he, she, it


Look at these examples with the main verb be. Notice that there is no auxiliary:

main verb


You, we, they

He, she, it

You, we, they
He, she, it

you, we, they

he, she, it


We use the simple present tense when:
  • the action is general
  • the action happens all the time, or habitually, in the past, present and future
  • the action is not only happening now
  • the statement is always true
John drives a taxi.

It is John's job to drive a taxi. He does it every day. Past, present and future.
Look at these examples:
  • I live in New York.
  • The Moon goes round the Earth.
  • John drives a taxi.
  • He does not drive a bus.
  • We do not work at night.
  • Do you play football?
Note that with the verb to be, we can also use the simple present tense for situations that are not general. We can use the simple present tense to talk about now. Look at these examples of the verb "to be" in the simple present tense - some of them are general, some of them are now:
Am I right?
Tara is not at home.
You are happy.

The situation is now.

I am not fat.
Why are you so beautiful?
Ram is tall.

The situation is general. Past, present and future.

Present Continuous Tense

I am singing
We often use the present continuous tense in English. It is very different from the simple present tense, both in structure and in use.
In this lesson we look the structure and use of the present continuous tense, followed by a quiz to check your understanding:

Present Perfect Tense

I have sung
The present perfect tense is a rather important tense in English, but it gives speakers of some languages a difficult time. That is because it uses concepts or ideas that do not exist in those languages. In fact, the structure of the present perfect tense is very simple. The problems come with the use of the tense. In addition, there are some differences in usage between British and American English.
In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the present perfect, followed by a quiz to check your understanding:

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

I have been singing

How do we make the Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

The structure of the present perfect continuous tense is:
auxiliary verb
auxiliary verb
main verb



base + ing
Here are some examples of the present perfect continuous tense:

auxiliary verb

auxiliary verb
main verb


for one hour.

too much.



their homework?


When we use the present perfect continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and the first auxiliary. We also sometimes do this in informal writing.
I have been
I've been
You have been
You've been
He has been
She has been
It has been
John has been
The car has been
He's been
She's been
It's been
John's been
The car's been
We have been
We've been
They have been
They've been
Here are some examples:
  • I've been reading.
  • The car's been giving trouble.
  • We've been playing tennis for two hours.

How do we use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

This tense is called the present perfect continuous tense. There is usually a connection with the present or now. There are basically two uses for the present perfect continuous tense:

1. An action that has just stopped or recently stopped

We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and stopped recently. There is usually a result now.
I'm tired because I've been running.


Recent action.
Result now.

  • I'm tired [now] because I've been running.
  • Why is the grass wet [now]? Has it been raining?
  • You don't understand [now] because you haven't been listening.

2. An action continuing up to now

We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is continuing now. This is often used with for or since.
I have been reading for 2 hours.

Action started in past.
Action is continuing now.

  • I have been reading for 2 hours. [I am still reading now.]
  • We've been studying since 9 o'clock. [We're still studying now.]
  • How long have you been learning English? [You are still learning now.]
  • We have not been smoking. [And we are not smoking now.]

For and Since with Present Perfect Continuous Tense

We often use for and since with the present perfect tense.
  • We use for to talk about a period of time - 5 minutes, 2 weeks, 6 years.
  • We use since to talk about a point in past time - 9 o'clock, 1st January, Monday.
a period of time
a point in past time


20 minutes
three days
6 months
4 years
2 centuries
a long time
I left school
the beginning of time
Here are some examples:
  • I have been studying for 3 hours.
  • I have been watching TV since 7pm.
  • Tara hasn't been feeling well for 2 weeks.
  • Tara hasn't been visiting us since March.
  • He has been playing football for a long time.
  • He has been living in Bangkok since he left school.



1. Jason’s father bought him the bicycle that he had wanted for this birthday.
2. the statue of liberty was a gift friendship room ….. france to ….. united states.
3. Rita is studying ….. English and ….. math this semester.
4. the judge asked the witness to fell the thurt.
5. Please give me a cup of …. coffee with ….. cream and ….. sugar.
6. the big books on the table are for my history class.
7. No one in ….. Spanish class knew the correct answer to ….. Mrs. Perez’s question.
8. My ….. car is four years old and it still runs well.
9. When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of ….. chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
10. These are only a few seats left for ….. tonight;s musical at the university.
11. John and Marcy went to ….. school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.
12. ….. lake Erie is one of the five great lakes in ….. north America.
13. On our trip to ….. spain, we crossed the atlantic ocean.
14. ….. mount rushmore is the site of a magnificent tribute to the four great American presidents.
15. What did you eat for ….. breakfast this morning?
16. Lovie played the basketball and the baseball at the boy;s club this year.
17. Rita plays ….. violin and her sister plays ….. guitar.
18. While we were in ….. Alaska, we saw the Eskimo village.
19. Phil can’t go to the movies tonight because he has to write the essay.
20. David atterded ….. Princeton university.
21. Harry has been admitted to the school of medicine at ….. Midwestern university.
22. Mel’s grandmother s in the hospital, so we went to visit her ….. last night.
23. a political science class is tating a trip to ….. soviet union in the spring.
24. the queen Elizabeth II is a monarch of the great Britain.
25. the declaration of independence was drawn up in 1776.
26. Scientists hope to send an expedition to ….. mars during …. 1980.
27. Last night there was a bird singing outside my house.
28. the chair that you are sitting in is broken.
29. the civil war was tought in ….. united states between 1861 and 1865.
30. ….. florida state university is smaller than the university of florida.



1. He doesn’t have (many / much) money.
2. I would like (a few / a little) salt on my vegetables.
3. She bought (that / those) cards last night.
4. There are (less / fewer) students in this room than in the next room
5. There is (too much / too many) bad news on television tonight.
6. I do not want (these / this) water
7. This is (too many / too much) information.
8. A (few / little) people left early.
9. Would you like (less / fewer) coffee than this?
10. This jacket costs (too much / too many)

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

security jaringan

Utk security, hal yang telah saya pelajari adalah security menggunakan iptables, syntaxnya sendiri sngat sederhana dan mudah diingat, sehingga anda tidak akan kesulitan dalam mempelajarinya, secara ringkas akan saya jelaskan sedikit mengenai struktur iptables itu sendiri

1. Iptables merupakan kumpulan rule berupa text yang dibuat utk mengatur akses kesebuah computer, tidak hanya akses, bahkan kita bisa membatasi seberapa banyak user mengakses computer kita, dan masih banyak lagi yang dapat kita lakukan dengan iptables

2. Secara umum Iptables terdiri dari beberapa table dan beberapa rule dimasing – masing table yang disebut chain

3. Table di Iptables terdiri atas beberapa bagian yaitu

a. Table dan chain

i. Table adalah tempat meletakakkan chain( aturan – aturan ) yang akan di berlakukan, tiap table terdiri atas beberapa chain yang default sudah ada ketika kita menginstall iptables,

ii. Chain merupakan untaian aturan yang bisa dibuat terhadap paket yang masuk keluar atau di forward, chain ini bisa kita tambhakan sesuka hati sesuai dengan kebetuhan, pada defaultnya, komposisi chain – chain tersebut antara lain

1. Table mangle melakukan penghalusan (mangle) / menandai paket, seperti TTL, TOS dan MARK terdiri dari chain Prerouting, PostRouting

2. Table Nat Secara umum digunakan untuk melakukan Network Address Translation terdiri dari chain Prerouting (chain yang berfungsi melakukan DNAT / destination network address translation ), PostRouting (chain yang berfungsi melakukan SNAT / Source network address translation)

3. Table Filter Secara umum, inilah pemfilteran paket yang sesungguhnya.. Di sini bisa ditentukan apakah paket akan di-DROP (tolak paket tanpa warning), LOG (masukkan kehistory), ACCEPT (menerima paket) atau REJECT (tolak dengan warning ) terdiri dari chain INPUT (chain awal ketika paket masuk dari luar kedalam), OUTPUT (chain paket ingin keluar dari dalam ), FORWARD (paket yang difroward ke chain INPUT, atau OUTPUT, atau chain yang kita buat sendiri)

b. Utk paket masuk dari luar kedalam ilustrasinya sebagai berikut

i. Paket masuk dari dunia luar à table mangle à table NAT à table filter à paket masuk kedalam computer kita

c. Utk paket keluar dari dalam ilustrasinya sebagai berikut

i. Paket keluar dari computer kita à table mangle à table NAT à table filter à paket ke dunia luar

4. Contoh penggunaan iptables, utk syintaxnya silahkan download pada manual iptables, jika computer anda belum terinstall iptables (ditandai dengan pesan error ketika kita mengetikkan command iptables pada terminal), silahkan download iptables terbaru kemudian install dengan cara sebagai berikut

# download iptables pada situs netfilter.org

copi hasil downloadan ke folder /usr/local/src

cp iptables-1.2.7.tar.bz2 /usr/local/src

#masuk ke folder dibawah

cd /usr/local/src

#extract file compressan dengan perintah yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya

tar -jxvf iptables-1.2.7.tar.bz2

masuk kefolder dibawah

cd iptables-1.2.7

# Lakukan kompilasi dan instalasi

make KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux

make install KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux

5. Sekarang saya akan mendemokan hal yang biasa dilakukan ketika menggunakan iptables

a. Jika user b ( ip : )usil tehadap computer kita (ip:, kita blok aja dengan mendrop atau mereject paket dari si b

Iptables -I INPUT -s -d -j DROP/REJECT

b. Jika user b tidak diizinkan utk ping ke tempat kita

Iptables -I INPUT -s -d -p icmp -m icmp –icmp-type 8 -j DROP

c. Jika kita inginkan memblok ssh (port22), paket ftp (port21,atau 20) dari luar ke computer kita

Utk satu port : Iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 22 -j DROP

Utk banyak port : iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –m multiport –dport 20,21,22 -j DROP

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Video On Demand

Video on Demand

Dalam dunia pendidikan, video digunakan secara luas dalam sistem multimedia. Videoconferencing memungkinkan kita untuk mengadakan konfrensi jarak jauh secara visual, sehingga para peserta seolah-oleh bertemu langsung dalam suatu konferensi. Video juga merupakan komponen penting dalam distance learning, suatu metode pengajaran yang tidak lagi terikat oleh ruang.

Dengan mengubah pola penyajian berita / acara sebagaimana di televisi saat ini dengan metode video on demand, tentu tak salah ungkapan Bill Gates bahwa orang akan berangsur-angsur meninggalkan televisi. Atau, mungkin istilahnya bukan TV broadcast lagi, tetapi TV on Demand.

Video on Demand adalah sebuah istilah penyajian video yang bisa diakses secara online melalui jaringan internet atau intranet, dimana pemirsa bisa melihat kapan pun sepuasnya dan berulang ulang tanpa harus terikat waktu dan tempat. Video bisa disajikan langsung secara streaming atau didownload.

Video juga merupakan komponen penting dalam distance learning, suatu metode pengajaran yang tidak lagi terikat oleh ruang. dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan peralatan dan mensosialisasikan peralatan teknologi tersebut kepada masyarakat khsusnya pelajar yang kesulitan memiliki peralatan LCD proyektor, kiranya perlu diciptakan media yang paling efektif untuk memanfaatkan modul-modul yang berbasis multimedia khususnya video. Intranet video yang dikembangkan dalam bentuk sistem video/modul on demand dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat khususnya slta yang belum mempunyai peralatan LCD preyektor sebagai penunjang proese pembelajaran di sekolah. Dengan strategi ini diharapkan pengetahuan dan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dibeberapa sekolah/masyarakat umumnya dapat terpenuhi

  1. Bagaimana menggunakan fasilitas Video On Demand

Untuk dapat menggunakan fasilitas Video On Demand, komputer anda harus tersedia/support multimedia karena video yang ditampilkan berupa gambar bergerak dengan disertai audio yang langsung diambil dari tempat kejadian.

  1. Cara kerja dan Fungsi Video On Demand

Fungsi VOD seperti layaknya video rental, di mana pelanggan dapat memilih program atau tontonan ketika yang ingin ditayangkan. Pilihan program dapat berupa sederet judul film, serial TV, reality show, video streaming, dan program lainnya. tidak hanya menonton, khalayak pun dapat menyimpan serta mengunduh program semau mereka. Untuk menontonnya khalayak dapat menggunakan set-top box dari video yang sudah diunduh, atau menggunakan komputer, ponsel, dan alat-alat komunikasi elektronik lainnya yang berkemampuan mengakses konten audio dan visual. Sebagian VOD memberikan pelayanan dengan sistem pembayaran per tayangan (pay-per-view).

  1. Apa yang terjadi saat download video

Video On Demand memiliki durasi antara 1 sampai dengan 2 menit, dengan besar file berkisar antara 500 – 1000 kilobyte. Lama download bergantung pada kecepatan koneksi internet anda.

  1. Software yang digunakan ? Bagaimana cara mendapatkan software tersebut

Diperlukan minimal Windows Media Player versi 7 untuk dapat melihat video, yang bisa didownload secara gratis di http://download.microsoft.com/download/